About Us
Real emergency preparedness, well-proven products by and from real preppers. We know what we're talking about and have many years of experience in prepping and emergency preparedness.
We have a large network of contacts and many suppliers, if you are looking for a product we don't have for sale or larger volumes. Get in touch and we will help you!
We have several years of experience in public affairs and can of course send e-invoices.
Mylar.se is owned and operated by Mono Content Group AB (556702-2123) which in addition to Mylar.se also operates Coin tube.se and Singback.se .

We have been selling online since 2002. We create and operate niche shops with a narrow but deep selection and high personal service.
We deliver over 6,000 orders per year and are constantly growing.
All deliveries are made from our own warehouse.
Our office:
Barsbrovägen 11
17569 Jarfalla
Barsbrovägen 11
17569 Jarfalla
Our warehouse is located in Lindesberg, just north of Örebro.
You can reach us by phone at 08-12 13 12 37 or even easier via the form below:
Welcome to shop with us!