All customers purchasing Bug-A-Salt products must certify that they are eighteen years of age or older and agree to the terms of the "Safety Policy and Code of Conduct" before completing their order. SKELL Inc., manufacturer of Bug-A-Salt products, MACVAD EUROPA GmbH, MACVAD Ltd, and their employees, officers, directors, contractors, and advisors all take safety seriously. That is why we have compiled this "Safety Policy and Code of Conduct" for the use of our product.

If you do not agree to abide by this "Safety Policy and Code of Conduct", do not purchase Bug-A-Salt for yourself or others.

  • Handle the Bug-A-Salt product with care at all times. Under no circumstances should the product be directed at any person, pet, or valuable personal property.
  • Never leave the product in a position where it could cause injury to people, pets or personal property.
  • Never point Bug-A-Salt products towards a person's body, face or eyes.
  • The product is designed to be used against flies and other harmless insects and should not be used in a way that could harm people or pets.
  • Bug-A-Salt products are intended for use only on flies and other harmless insects. Do not use the product to spray salt on other animals including cats, dogs and other mammals. Do not spray salt on mice, rats or other rodents. Do not attempt to spray salt on poisonous or otherwise dangerous insects/invertebrates, reptiles or mammals, including but not limited to bees, wasps, spiders, snakes and scorpions.
  • Do not spread salt on beneficial insects such as butterflies and other pollinating insects.

The Bug-A-Salt product must not be modified in any way under any circumstances. Altering the product voids the warranty and is extremely dangerous and in some locations against the law. SKELL Inc., MACVAD EUROPA GmbH and MACVAD Ltd are not responsible for any injury or death resulting from any modification of the product, whether in appearance, structure or internal mechanisms.

Customers purchasing or using the product are solely responsible for understanding the laws governing the purchase and use of the product in their country, state or municipality. You may not tamper with, alter, paint over or remove any safety features or warning labels on the product. These features and labels are designed to keep you and others safe when using the product. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in injury or harm to yourself or others. Under no circumstances may any other projectile, including but not limited to objects, powders, chemicals, liquids or other substances, be loaded into the Bug-A-Salt product other than common table salt (NaCL).

SKELL Inc., MACVAD EUROPA GmbH and MACVAD Ltd, their employees, officers, directors and advisors and contractors are not responsible for the unauthorized use of any type of projectile not expressly recommended by the company for use in the product.

The purchaser and users of Bug-A-Salt products are solely and fully responsible for understanding and complying with all federal, state, and other municipal/local laws relating to their purchase, possession, and use of the product. The purchaser agrees to accept all responsibility for declaring the product to the appropriate customs agency in the country to which they are shipping it. SKELL Inc., MACVAD EUROPA GmbH, and MACVAD Ltd are not responsible for the loss or confiscation of a Bug-A-Salt product by customs or other regulatory authorities in the country or region to which it is shipped/imported.

Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18 without the direct supervision of a responsible adult who has read and understood this "Safety Policy and Code of Conduct". SKELL Inc., MACVAD EUROPA GmbH and MACVAD Ltd, their employees, officers, directors and advisors and contractors are not responsible for any unauthorized or unsupervised use of the Bug-A-Salt product by persons under the age of 18, and we will not sell the product to anyone who has not certified that they are eighteen or older and have read, understood and agreed to this "Safety Policy and Code of Conduct".

If you have any questions about the safe use of this product either before or after purchase, please contact us either via detailed email at

Stop using the product immediately if you do not feel confident that you understand the above "Safety Policy and Code of Conduct". Please watch the instructional/safety video on YouTube that describes how to use the Bug-A-Salt product before using it. The entire contents of this website are copyrighted by SKELL, Inc.

Do not copy or use our designs, images, or written content without express written permission from SKELL, Inc.


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