Preparing for the zombies may seem unnecessary because there are no zombies. But zombie series, movies and books are often about various kinds of crises, chaos and disasters. If you are prepared for a zombie attack, then you are prepared to survive most things: power outages, fires, accidents and natural disasters. By thinking that something could happen, we become better prepared. It is called mental preparation and is a very important part of being prepared - not afraid.
The book is full of tips for being prepared both indoors and outdoors. There are games, practical exercises and memory rules to remember what you should remember. For example, a basic rule: STOP = Stop, Think, Observe, Plan. The most important thing a person has in a crisis is not different gadgets, but their brain! In addition, there are some facts about zombies. Because even if zombies don't really exist, it can make preparations more fun and less scary.
Herman Geijer is a zombie survival expert and has written several books about zombies and survival. He also holds survival courses around the country. He was also the listeners' summer host in 2015 in Sommar i P1.
Claes Tovetjärn is a former professional soldier who studied psychology and works to educate children and adults to survive difficult situations.
Elin Jonsson draws for several magazines and was the first woman to draw a Fantomen cover.
Facts about the book:
LANGUAGE: | Swedish |
TYPE | Bound |
MEASURE | 150x211x12mm |
WEIGHT | 270g |