Cultivation mushroom 50 mm

Paint: White 40 pack
Sale price79.00 SEK


Extra sponges 32 mm.

Choose black or white mushrooms

The mushroom is 32 mm wide and 28 mm high with a notch in it.

Plant directly in the mushroom or germinate in the nursery and transfer to this mushroom when the plant has developed nice roots. This will save space in your large grow boxes.

These media sponges fit perfectly in your Harvy if you don't want to buy the expensive peat plugs from Nelson Garden.

Do as the pros do, grow in foam sponges. This hydroponic growing medium is the most common in professional cultivation. The medium is only there to hold the seed in place and give it moisture at the beginning of the cultivation. Once the plant has roots, it stays in the pot. With foam sponges you avoid soil-borne diseases, mold and other unpleasant things.

You can grow herbs and salad in this mushroom.

Massage the sponge in a water bath and it will regain its shape if it has been flattened. It will also absorb water much better.

Since it is completely free of chemicals such as UV protection and flame retardants that are usually found in foamed plastic, it can turn yellow.

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