The Survival Guide

Sale price249.00 SEK


This book shows you how to handle 300 survival situations. How to start a fire with a soda can? What is the best way to survive a forest fire? How to get out of a car underwater? How to jump from a runaway train? And how to survive unscathed during violent street riots? These and hundreds of other questions are answered in this comprehensive survival guide. It is divided into three main sections: the wilderness, the disaster and the city. It contains basic survival techniques such as orienting yourself in nature and giving CPR, but also advice and tips for how to survive unscathed from more unlikely situations, such as a wrestling match with a crocodile or swimming through burning oil.

Rich Johnson has extensive experience in the field of survival techniques. He has served in the Green Berets and as a paratrooper in the U.S. Army. In civilian life, he has worked as a training officer in the U.S. Coast Guard and has served as a volunteer paramedic and firefighter.

Ola Skinnarmo is Sweden's foremost adventurer. He was the first Swede to ski to both the South Pole and the North Pole. During his polar expeditions, he has survived many life-threatening situations such as falling into crevasses, encounters with starving polar bears and sailing through stormy waters filled with icebergs.

    Facts about the book:

    LANGUAGE: Swedish
    BINDING: Bound
    MEASURE: 200x250x25mm
    WEIGHT: 952 grams

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