Ripstopp repair tape

Color: Svart
Rea 195.00 SEK
Endast 1 st kvar


Spinnaker tape is a special type of tape that is used, among other things, to fix the spinnaker on sailboats. It is extra thin, extra light, has very strong adhesive and resembles the fabric from which a tent or a spinnaker is sewn. If you get a small hole or tear, it doesn't have to be a big problem - just make sure to fix the hole right away so it doesn't spread.

Excellent for cooking:

  • Clothes
  • Tent
  • Bags
  • Tarpar
  • Sleeping bags
  • Press statements
  • Chapel
  • Jackets

The tape is very thin and cannot be torn. Cut with scissors, feel free to round the corners so it fits even better. 

Incredibly powerful adhesive tape!

4.5 meters long
5 centimeter bred

Available in several colors

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