Ripstop repair tape

Paint: White
Sale price195.00 SEK


Spinnaker tape is a special type of tape that is used, among other things, to repair the spinnaker on sailboats. It is extra thin, extra light, has a very strong adhesive and resembles the fabric that a tent or spinnaker is made of. If you get a small hole or tear, it doesn't have to be a big problem - just make sure to repair the hole right away so it doesn't spread.

Excellent for cooking:

  • Clothes
  • Tent
  • Bags
  • Tarps
  • Sleeping bags
  • Tarpaulins
  • Chapel
  • Jackets

The tape is very thin and cannot be torn. Cut with scissors, preferably rounding the corners to make it fit even better.

Incredibly powerful adhesive tape!

4.5 meters long
5 centimeters wide

Available in several colors

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