Oxygen absorbers 100 cc 150 pack

Sale price99.00 SEK


These oxygen absorbers bind 100cc of oxygen. Since air consists of about 21% oxygen, a 100cc oxygen absorber can make 4 dl of air oxygen-free. We recommend 1 oxygen absorber in bags that are 1 l or smaller.

It all depends on what you pack in the bag and how much air you manage to get out of the bag before you close it. It also depends on what you pack. For example, oatmeal contains more air than spaghetti.

External dimensions 2 x 3 cm
Weight 845g
Quantity in the package 150 pcs

Don't skimp on the oxygen absorbers! If you don't succeed 100% in welding the bag, an extra oxygen absorber is cheap insurance.

The bag also contains an oxygen indicator (see picture 3). This is pink as it is not in contact with oxygen. If oxygen gets into the bag, it turns purple. If you store your oxygen absorbers in a glass jar of the patent type, place this over the jar, then you know that your oxygen absorbers are fresh.

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